Court Process and Procedures

Court process and structure
Claimant will follow this procedure:
A: Send the Administrator for the Human Rights Tribunal an affidavit notarized at: [email protected]
(1): The Administrator will open a court jacket for claimant with a case number.
B: General Post Master Council or designated General Post Master verifies the Notarized signature is authentic by calling the Notary that notarized the affidavit. Phone Number will be provided by the claimant. This step secures and verifies that a fraud has not been committed.
C: Claimant signs and prepares change of venue from Private to Public Trial.
D: Claimant collects the addresses , email addresses, twitter account or other online media account information of the registered agents of the respondents and sends with the affidavit.
E: Claimant sends all of the information to the International Notary Presenter for a Notarial Presentment process at: [email protected] and pays the service fee for Notarial Presentment Process.
F: Once the Notarial Presentment process is concluded and there is no answer to the tort claim. The Notary Presenter sends all records with full chain of title to the Clerk to be placed on the court docket.
G: In the event the affidavit is answered by the respondent. A Court hearing will be scheduled.
H: A non-response case will take up to 45 to 60 days from start to final Judgment. The process is created to keep specific details in that the chain of title is not broken from the time the affidavit is sent to final judgment.
I: The exchange rate to other currencies will be set by the office of the Treasury for the Government of The United States of America as well as the declaration of value of each case calculated in damages against the claimant.
Government of The United States of America court procedure for General Post Masters:
The Human Rights Tribunal (tribunal) was established on July 20th, 2014. LINK Since that time the tribunal has made many people aware of their human rights all around the country. It has now been established as a higher tribunal above the General Post Master Council. However, the tribunal has National and International jurisdiction where the General Post Master Council has mainly National jurisdiction. The court structure is as follows:
A: General Post Office where a complaint can be filed with a General Post Master and the conflict can be arbitrated at that level and is a private hearing to settle a matter.
B: Upon appeal: An affidavit is sent to [email protected] and that process is written above. The agent can send the case to either the General Post Master Council or the Human Rights Tribunal depending on the status of the parties. Rules and Procedures Link. The rules and procedures are generally the same for both courts of record.
C: The National assembly for the Government of The United States of America is the last appeal. If the judicial process fails, then the American Nationals /General Post Masters decide the case which is final.
Foreigners are very welcome to use the courts of the Government of The United States of America. All are treated the same regardless of status. The process is in accordance and with the International Standards as written in the International Standards of Due Process. LINK